Last week I heard about the birth of octuplets to a Southern California mother who wished to remain anonymous...right away I thought something sounded strange - that many fetuses just do not seem natural for humans. I don't think our baby-bearing bodies were intended to endure the birth of full on litters of infants. Still, I could have not imagined that this SHITuation could have been any more insane than it actually is.
So, some 33 year-old single now unemployed mom who got $165,000 in disability from the State of California for a back injury suffered while working at a State mental facility decides to pop out six children in six years...all of which ended up being concieved via in vitro fertilization.
Then apparently, despite the fact the bitch already six kids AND despite the fact medical guidelines suggest the implanation of no more than two embryos, the fertility clinic implants not two but SIX more, resulting in octuplets. Let's not even go into the fact the reason this woman wanted so many children was because, she says her childhood was dysfunctional...yeah, good reason to force 14 children under the age 7 into the world that a single mom is clearly not capable of caring for on her own.
Such a sad, selfish disgrace to the miracle of life.
Alright, I promise my next entry will be more light-hearted and less bitchy...although I think I am going to just embrace this is going to be a rant blog.
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