Last week, during New Rules (Real Time With Bill Maher) -- Bill Maher took a shot at the movie Orphan.
I am glad he addressed this because it had been bothering me for several months (
I wonder if creepy little kid movies will ever not be a 'good idea' to horror film makers....11:18 PM Jul 2nd from TwitterBerry - me a month ago.)
The Orphan advertising ASSAULT was awful. Those billboards were everywhere - most offensively on the North facing Beverly Center sign where the sexy Bebe ad makes me happy on my way to work in the mornings. They advertised the shit out of this played-out 'Bad Seed'/'The Exorcist'/3984938 movies about possessed children story (the fact it apparently has some stupid 'twist' does not forgive it).
I would imagine similarly to the film, advertising for Orphan was mindless. They could have been like the D-9 movie team and done some weird, confusing 'humans only' shit on bus benches but it was the SAME boring billboard everywhere that told us everything we ever needed to know about Orphan: lame and unimaginative.
Anyways, besides for yet another opportunity to be a h8r, there is a point to this post: Bill Maher is fucking hilarious. One might say a 'great mind.' Since great minds think alike, this not only means, because I happened to notice the same thing as everyone else in Los Angeles, including one of Bill Maher's staff writers, I have a great mind BUT Bill Maher (or his writer) and I have something in common.
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