Upon logging into Twitter and accessing ones 'Home' screen, one is prompted with the question 'What Are You Doing' and presented with an empty text field just begging you to divulge.
I feel like some of the people I am following take this a little too literally and are maybe logging on wayyyy too much -- this all coming from the unemployed girl who is obsessed with her computer.
Some people feel the need to tweet about EVERYTHING they do, think and feel throughout the course of their day. I am talking 10+ tweets a day. Now, let's be clear: I love Twitter, occasional verbal diarrhea and more than occasional sharing of too much information. However, not even Christian Bale updating about being naked or outrageously pissed off on the set of Terminator Four are interesting enough to make this type of obsessive tweeting appropriate.
I won't say it pisses me off, but it confuses me when people think they need to tell us everyday like clockwork that they just woke up, are going to the gym, taking a crap or falling asleep at night time. Ummmm okay, that's nice. Even more confusing: when someone feels the need to tweet about an activity they are currently engaging in that might be fun. Like, why do you have to disrupt whatever fun stuff you are doing, that you are excited enough to tell us about, to access your Twitter account and tweet about it? Moment killer???
So basically.... When I have a job and less time on my hands, I wish people would either be more interesting or less Twitter-happy so I don't waste as much time reading their crap.
this is why i hated Twitter and FB!!!! MYSPACE4LYFE!!!!!!!!