In my attempt to harness more positivity into my life and write more uplifting, less whiney blog posts, I present to you the first installment of my new series: Things I Am Thankful For.
Thing I am Thankful For Number One: Having No Desire to Smoke
This weekend, during my weekly trek down La Cienega to Loehmanns (aka my crack equivalent) I saw what felt like a disproportionate amount of my fellow Los Angeles area pedestrians puffing away on cigarettes. Yes, I am the obnoxious whiner who makes exaggerated coughing noises when I am around smokers but seriously...I don't get it. I can sort of understand older people who have developed a habit over the years but I cannot fathom why anyone in my generation would make the decision to smoke --because even if it is addictive, at one point they made the choice to start.
Now, I will just say, there has been a few times in my life where I considered buying cigarettes. But JESUS, my logic at the time was directed at either (a) Speeding up my inevitable death or (b) Assuring that I appeared to others as disgusted and pathetically out of control as I felt, and I never actually went through with it.
Ummm Hello? Didn't you have to graduate DARE classes in fifth grade? And I know you can't tune out the warnings about dying an early death and that horrifying lady with the hole in her throat. Not only is it expensive and smells vile but subjecting oneself to addiction I just find particularly pathetic "OMG I HAVE TO SMOKE RIGHT NOW!". Ew..
Anyways, so excited I have no desire to smoke, because after all that, apparently some people do. Yep, I will limit my addictions to Loehmanns and black coffee thanks very much.
BUT! one pill, one crack pipe, one snort of cocaine does damage that only came from one time, instead of continuing to like curiosity is the answer. then addition. i dont know if i explained my thoughts well... -chelle